Ka Mate He Tetekura Ka Ora Hoki He Tetekura


The Hon. Parekura Horomia, Minister of Maori Affairs




Kia ora tatou, 

Kia ora tatou. Tuatahi e mihi ake ano au ki a koutou nga tu pakeke Wiremu ki a koe koroua. Tuarua mihi ake ano au ki a koe e ‘Arch’ mihi ana au ki a koe me taku hoa Mahara. Ki a koutou katoa e takaha ake ano i konei ki te korero ake ano mo te ahua o te ra nei e mihi tonu ake ano ki a koutou. Ahake na wai te hapu, na wai te wahi, te iwi, te mihi tonu atu ano tenei o te Minita Maori i a koutou, nau mai hara mai. I a koe te rangatira e korero ake ano mo te ahua o nga maunga ra o Rakaumangamanga, te wahi ra e tae ake ano nga waka katoa i te whakatu i reira i te wahi ra i te Tai tokerau, e mihi ake ano ki a koutou. I a koutou o te wahi ra o te Rawhiti i mau kaha ake ano o tera ahua. i a koutou i timata ake ano ko koe i te Oneroa a tohe e tae ake ano ki Waikato. I nga roto o Te Arawa whanui e mihi ake ano ki a koutou o tera whakahoeki e mihi ake ano ki a koutou, tena koutou, tena koutou, tena koutou katoa.


Ki nga mate i hingahinga ake ano pera tonu e rite ake ano ki te papa o ta te tiati e Joe, me te mama o tetahi o nga tino rangatira o te Arawa a Joe Hakaraia, nga mate katoa kei te hingahinga ake ano, kei te tangi ake ano koutou, kei te tangi ake ano tatou katoa. Tena tatou kia ora hoki rawa atu, kia ora. 


Good Morning, it is good to be here. Before I start I do especially want to thank Te Puni Kokiri and the Chief Executive for their support and any other agencies who have supported this session here today, and certainly The F.I.R.S.T.Foundation, Te Kohu, the effort that you people are putting in. Certainly I reiterate what you have said about it being a fine gathering and that there are 400 plus is something I am sure we are all excited about.


Thank you for being here today, thank you for making the effort. I want to say kia ora to my niece Haani who is here somewhere, my two nieces – well done for getting here – I have got someone who watches and makes sure that you work hard all through the sessions.


You know in 1984, that’s a while ago now; I went to the Hui Taumata. The Hui Taumata was where Archie as young as he was, got us all together and we went down there – it wasn’t as many as 400 but it was quite a few hundred and we went down to solve the problems and talk about leadership, issues, so on and so forth. They were very relevant in those days, they are still relevant now. That most certainly is an indictment, it’s a real hakihaki that we need to get stuck into – so I really want to commend you for getting here today, for being here in Wellington. Those of you who belong here look after the rest who got here.


The other evening I was at a hui signing of the Charter with Te Arawa and Bishop Bennett said that one of the issues for modern day Maori is that we have new values, new world, new time and new people. And I think I’d take cognisance of what our rangatira that started off mihi-ing to us here was saying about make sure that the rangatahi get a say or rangatakapu, both ages, get a say and don’t leave it to the old people to define or determine. What I want to say to you e hoa is; that is very true. What I want is to encourage you into is to ensure that we take those values we have, (I think Archie was alluding to the fact that we have a lot of Maori in this country) and move forward. So it is important, the reason and the right that we have in this country, both through the treaty issue and being tangata whenua is something that we have inherited. We never got it out of The Warehouse, we never got it out of the government agencies it was something that our tupuna have left for us. So I want to encourage you.


Make sure that there are two important things in life, two sureties – one is we are all going to die – and I don’t want to be morbid- that’s the truth – I’m telling you – if you find any way out of that please let me know. The other issue is that there is only one tangata whenua in this country and that is us – Maori, and it is important that we don’t detract or move away from that or soften that – it is important that you people as the future leaders don’t do that. It is a right in itself, and we have just been taking a bit of time through leadership sessions, through the ups and downs that we’ve had on the journeys here to getting ready.


So our demographics, e mohio ana koutou te korero ‘demographics’ nei?  Our age bands are very important to us. As Archie said earlier on, we are a very young population. Pakeha/non- Maori, are a very old age population. So I always tend to think that one thing we could do is to get you all out on the street, get 400 Pakeha and lets have a race, if we’ve got it right we should win it. But instead of just talking, takaro, or running, or racing let’s talk about racing into control of our destiny. Lets talk about you becoming leaders who will determine and define what is good for us – and don’t take too much time of it.


You know there is analysis after analysis in this country and internationally, a lot of people tend to restrict the way forward by waiting until the policy is analysed.  I think a fair bit of that is humbug. In any colonised or settler society like ours, generally about two hundred years out from the starting point there is this fascinating transition that happens where you change from one social environment to another – and you are in the middle of that right now – you are the most important group to Maoridom in this country. I’m the Minister. I’m at the late end of my forties and people tell me ‘hey you are too young to be the Minister’. I know what its like to be knocking fifty and you’re in a Ministers job ‘your damned if you do and your damned if you don’t’. So all you budding leaders make sure you are prepared for that; it is not all rosy.


What happens in this transition is you notice a lot of our pakeke have passed on, a lot of our pakeke koroua, kuia, who used to look after the marae and the paepae.  I’m being very careful saying this because you might say ‘ours is always full’. It’s not empty by accident, it is a demographic transition - we are losing a lot of our old people and the issue is; if you talk about leadership the age of leaders starts getting down to a young level. Don’t ever think in your great leadership journey that you can do without the pakeke.


I want to be free and frank with you this morning and get back to Bishop Manu Bennett’s points – yes it is a new time – yes there are new values – yes there are most certainly new types of leadership coming through. I have always been one who sees our leadership being lateral, being where everyone moves along. If you study Maori history the one time that the leader got into calling an issue was only when they went to war – that’s when you knew who the real rangatira was, but generally on the way we knew very well about how to awhi each other forward.


I do ask the question ‘if it is new times and we need new leadership what does that look like’? – It is a continuing debate. We have a Prime Minister in this country, and I want to say to you as Archie said ‘this isn’t just about politicians trying to make decisions’. We do intend to ensure through that strong leadership that Maori leadership is not only kept intact but it is developed speedily. People are saying that wananga like this happened in 1939 and that Sir Apirana Ngata focussed on Maori peoples’ development and I relish and do understand and appreciate our great history where we came from and where we are going. What is more important for me is about taking stock in relation to where we are and who and what we are now – right now – and going forward.


It is easy to analyse and pontificate through research – even though I thanked The F.I.R.S.T. Foundation, I also listened to the learned Mr Leith Comer this morning when he said to get strategies or issues sorted out on paper. What is important for you as new leaders is to project out, not just 5, 10, 15 years. What do you want Maoridom to look like in fifty years? What do you want for your children if you have them? What do you want for your mokopuna if you are a young grandparent? What do you want for yourself? There are a whole lot of ways of doing that. We can get stroppy about it. We can get overly intellectual about it. We can analyse everything that has happened to us, we can analyse what we are going to do now. But what you have to have is strong vision. You have got to believe that you are leaders and that you have to do it, because this country is full of a lot of ‘can’t do people’ – ‘you can’t do that’ – or you can’t do certain things like drive without a licence you can’t do that, and we’ve got to put up a big stop sign like on the highway. Let’s stop the bashing, let’s stop over indulging in the booze, let’s stop being uneducated, let’s stop not being business owners, let’s stop not being in control of what we want.


As the Minister of Maori Affairs, and like Archie [Taiaroa] says, Associate Minister of a whole lot of areas, education, fishing, tourism and employment, I want to make sure that we do that and don’t take another twenty years.  Don’t be standing here, as I was after 1984 with nothing but a good memory, let’s get on with it.


It is important that we talk about where we came from. The rangatira who gave a whaikorero this morning I found fascinating – he talked about Rakaumangamanga and there is a place off Rakaumangamanga which is in Te Rawhiti up north – Pakeha call it Hole in the Wall – all the tourist boats go in it. I was privileged a few years ago to go there with two old kuia to have a look at it and they told me that when the waka came here they rested there before they dispersed. Now I believe that. I believe what they told me because their tupuna told them that.


Now there are always a lot of versions about those waka of ours, I was fascinated by that, although Michael King might write something different. It is important that we respect those issues in relation to why we are here. He talked about Hawaikinui, Hawaikiroa, Hawaiki pamamao. E rongo ake ano koe ki te nui o nga korero te pakupaku noa iho e tua ake ano no waitai? E korero ake ano mo tera.  You hear on and on in korero ‘Hawaikinui Hawaikiroa Hawaiki pamamao’ and we need to make that relevant because it has been handed down by our pakeke.


Hawaikinui, and this is my analysis from Mangatuna in Tologa Bay. I think Tologa Bay has become more famous because I have been wrenched from leadership in relation to my whanau home. There is one thing you can’t do, you can pick your friends, you can pick which rugby or netball team you play for, but you can’t pick your whanau.


And so, I get stood on the mark for that, and I have to do better. It is not too dissimilar in the Sunday papers, yesterday, talking about my weight. But they forgot about the other fellahs you know. Look at this, look. I have been trying hard alright? It’s a hard thing. I spoke. Yeah, it’s a hard thing, over the past week; I went to three kapa haka championships. The other morning, myself and Dr Paki (who is here), we went up to Hawke’s Bay where there were thirty-three teams competing there. These are some of the great things Maori are doing. They had been competing over the five nights during the week. There was a Pakeha group there with nearly sixty Pakeha in it. I was flabbergasted to watch these Pakeha parents urging their kids on and I was thinking ‘e hika, and kei te pai tera, engari kaua tatou e warenake mo tatou.  They had three groups there, half Pakeha, half Maori, so you know we can be friendly when we want to. Then I went early in the morning on Saturday to Manawatu they had another kapa haka tournament there, going to town, a big mob of them.


I came to Wellington and then went back to Gisborne with my colleague Lewis who works with me. Ngati Porou East Coast rugby team were playing Poverty Bay but I had to take off to see the other kapa haka tournament for primary schools – I said to Lewis how many more minutes in the game and he said fifteen I said ‘veer left, lets’ go and see the game on the way’. I played nearly 100 games for the East Coast and we never won one. But that was true leadership it was like my mates to stick it out. You know I can tell you having played in Marlborough and Hawke’s Bay those were some of the best sport times I ever had ‘cause we travelled together as a whanau on the bus; we saw New Zealand. If you live in Ngati Porou/ East Coast then getting down to Christchurch was like going to Washington or going to America. Getting to Wellington was like going to America because we generally didn’t go past Gisborne.  I am thankful to the East Coast rugby team because I saw most of New Zealand on their back.


Oh the other thing I want to tell you – they thrashed Poverty Bay 54 – 16.  Homai te pakipaki for the East Coast. I enjoyed watching all those Poverty Bay supporters (mostly Pakeha) going back after the game like this [indicates disappointment] - because we used to do it all the time. And as much as I have whanaunga in Kahungungu ‘watch out on Sunday when they get there, because you’ll see some true leadership play at Hawke’s Bay’ Fascinating you know, the Ngati Porou rugby union they have only got seven club teams and they are all Maori plus one Fijian. So in your leadership trail, shake it up, get some more indigenous representative sides, because there is only one in this country Ngati Porou/East Coast  - that’s real leadership.


Access to education is really important. We need to do that. We need to hold onto our tikanga, we need to hold onto our reo. I have just recently announced the Maori television service – people like Parekawhia [McLean] here have put a lot of effort into that. Homai te pakipaki mo te Maori Television Service and the Maori language strategy. [Applause]  I want to tell you why I have been pushing hard with that. I am thankful for the Prime Minister and my colleagues like Mahara [Okeroa] for sticking with it. I want to tell you because we are generally ill-informed. It’s a great thing this media, you know.  I had better mihi to the media if they are here.


It depends whose worldview you look at in relation to issues. I believe over years and generations that Maori have not been well informed by the media. Imagine a Maori television station. You can do, you can say and you can show what you want. When I watched those three kapa haka competitions over the last couple of days it really made me feel that this job is worthwhile. You have to do a whawhai because most of those parents and their tamariki and their mokopuna are really doing something they want to do. I will tell you the average Pakeha in this country would not know what that is, so the other beauty is we get helpful again where we can educate them too and show them, because long has gone the time we need to accept that Maori are just mad, bad and sad. That’s why you are important. That’s why your leadership is relevant; it exists nowhere else. I’m telling you, but you have got to be serious about it.


You know this Hawaiki nui, Hawaiki roa and Hawaiki pamamao we shouldn’t just stand up and say it.  Hawaiki nui is a great place wherever that is; whether it is Rakaumangamanga whether it is Ninety Mile Beach, whether it is Mangahanea, whether it is Ruatoki, whether it is Hastings, whether it is Tologa Bay, you always have a great place that you know that you belong to, where your tupuna were. There is always a great place for you.


Hawaiki roa is that place that is just on the seafront and that you just can’t quite get there; where you want to get to, we are always striving to get to a better place. What is a better place? Where you get better educated, where you can get into business, it is a place where you are trying to strive to get to – this is my own analysis by the way Te Kohu. I’ll copyright it and you can disagree with it later.


Hawaiki pamamao is the place where you get to, after a whole lot of effort where everything is great for your brothers and sisters for your nana your koroua and your kuia and your parents. Everything there is what you want.  That is where you can buy houses, you can pay your bills, you can get your children better educated, you can do these things that you want to in this country by right, being the tangata whenua. That’s where Hawaiki pamamao is.


Now how do we get there people? There are a whole lot of different ways. Some of you have the reo some of you don’t. Some of you have been brought up with your nanny some of you haven’t. Some of you like Aaria some of you like Bob Marley. I was just going to say Bob Marley’s music was better than Aaria but I’d better not because I like Aaria too and Maia. It is important that we preserve our reo and our tikanga. Don’t get fooled or conned into leaving it behind, thinking that it isn’t cool it isn’t kosher to have that. Stick with it, makes sure that you do that.

There are two things that you need to manage as future leaders; they are mana and moni. You need both, don’t let people fool you that both are tapu and you can’t touch them! Your mana is yours, your whakapapa is yours, where you belong to is yours, and also learn how to make money and plenty of it, because I’ve never seen an unhealthy, unthankful, wealthy Pakeha yet, or an unhappy one. There is nothing wrong with it. Nothing wrong with making money, nothing wrong with getting into business, nothing wrong with being business people. It is important that we go ahead in those fields. Like I said, good decision-making is about being informed. So you have all turned up here today, because I do know you believe that you are leaders or your people have sent you.


Especially in this life if I start at seven o’clock in the morning and finish eleven o’clock at night and I go to the marae and everybody says ‘Come over here boy, we’ve got some pukuhipi boil up’. Pakeha don’t know the feeling of that aroma when it comes past you, of pukuhipi. So those are joyous things but I get better at it.  I went for a walk this morning with my trainer Amster Reedy and he had a sore ankle so we had to cut it in half and I was rearing to go. The other problem you have to stick with it. Sticking to the diet at times is hard; sticking to getting exactly what you want is hard. There is no free lunch and there is nobody who is really going to get off their haunches to say ‘yep, we’ll let you Maoris lead how you want to. Yep, we’ll let you get on with it’. I want to tell you, like for me at times – things will get tough, but if you remember that leadership is about caring for our people Maori, believing in what they want, and making sure that you are a good Maori, no matter what happens, and that you can lead. Then we won’t go far wrong.


People like mine and Turoa’s and Archie’s and Bill’s, I was going to say Mahara but he is a young politician he’s only 25, our time is coming. I really want to encourage you, be brave and bold about it, and be disciplined, because there are enough people out there who will want to pop you off that track. This is a really exciting time for us, the next ten years or so we are going to give it a damned good go. You know a lot of things that your old people didn’t know. You know about the digital divide, you know about e-commerce you are switched on, and all I can say to you is ‘keep going and well done’. When I was your age I was shearing sheep or cutting scrub. I used to have to cut scrub in the rain because there was no benefit or you weren’t allowed on it. We need to get our people off the benefit; and that’s not making any pointed remark at anybody who is on a benefit, because people do need it. But won’t it be a better world if we head off understanding where Hawaiki nui is. Take off for Hawaiki roa no matter how we do it, and make sure when we get to Hawaiki pamamao that we are in control of our people’s destiny.


Good luck with your hui today whanau. All the best. If you want anything more from me, write to me. I’ll be back for tea I hope tonight, and I hope there are salads there because the Prime Minister is going to be there I understand. And she’s right because she keeps on telling me ‘You know, little  - eat more often, but little okay’. So that is the same as leadership more often, but make sure. You can get a long way taking smaller strides than trying one big G-hit. There is always a heap of people out there like myself to tell you ‘hey do it this way’ – there is nothing like the old song ‘do it your way’ but make sure you care about your people, irrespective of what people say or think you are. Good luck with you hui. Kia kaha kia ora koutou